Sunday, December 28, 2008

the new plan

I think it's public knowledge now that I'm planning on moving back to Indiana. I have become homesick for the hoosier state. This weekend was so fun that I didn't want to go back.

When I say I'm moving back soon, that leaves out much detail. The actual plan is for me to start sending out more resumes (a marketing effort in full force) and start going to interviews in Indiana. I think Fort Wayne is going to be the place I'll have the most effectiveness in terms of results. IPFW is well recognized there and local companies are more than willing to fulfill their obligation to hire alumni from the local college.

Once I land a job, the next step is to start looking for a place to rent. A house with a significant amount of land is ideal, but we'll see what's available. L will stay in KY until I find a suitable place. That should only take a couple weeks at the most. Once the desired location is found, we will utilize a moving truck to bring the rest of our things back.

In the meantime, I need to move fast. This week, I'm going to start boxing up my stuff so it'll be ready.

I think I am going to go to bed for now but I'll post again soon. I love you!

See you soon,


Monday, December 15, 2008

phone post 1

This is actually my first post using my phone. Let's see how this works.

Today I got a hold of a list of 300 companies in Indiana that are forming or expanding. It shouldn't take me long to find a good career up there. I'm saving money back to pay for moving expenses. It won't be long before I'm home again.

How is school? Learning anything interesting? I hope this year is going well. I know school has its ups and downs. I'm going to try to post some pics here soon.

I'm going to go for now and see how well this posts. If it does, I can blog more often. I love you both and can't wait to see you in a week and a half! I miss you!


I had a wonderful time in Columbus. I forgot how noce that hotel is. Did you both have fun? I hope so. I'm sorry I haven't posted lately, Courtney. I felt bad when you said you'd been checking it. I got so busy that too many days went by in between posts. The good news is that I figured out how to post from my phone so I'm getting ready to try it out in a few minutes. I love you both so much!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hello to you both, I'm sitting here at work waiting for the printer to catch up so I thought I'd post real quick. I love you both so much and miss you more than you could ever imagine. I can't wait to see you this weekend. I'll be up friday night.

Love you,


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I can't believe it's tuesday already! I hope you both are doing alright. I know Rich is sick, but I hope he gets better soon. I know how much he hates missing school (LOL). Things are okay here. I'm working on getting an internet connection soon so I won't have to look for wifi hotspots all the time. I do pretty well with it though.

Have we made definite plans for Dana's? I hope we can stay at the Holiday Inn - that would give us an extra day. I think we're ready for the gift exchange. We have two items that will probably be fought over. Last year was fun when we did that.

It's about 55 degrees here at the moment. And sunny. Pretty nice weather for December, huh? I miss you both an awful lot. Most of the time I wish I hadn't of moved down here. Although I couldn't find a job at all in Marion and I need money to eat so we can ride this out a little longer. I hear they may open some new companies in the Grant County area. I'll keep my eyes open for opportunities.

Well, I'm gonna go for now. Have fun today and call me when you get a chance.



Monday, December 1, 2008


I hope you both had a wonderful thanksgiving! I know I did because I got to spend the weekend with you both. I hope you have a wonderful week at school and I can't wait to see you this coming up weekend for courtney's birthday.

Courtney, I saw you are signed up as a follower of my blog. I'm going to sign up to follow yours as well, make sure you post stuff because I love reading your blog entries. If you want a little html help I can send some cool tags I made to your email.

I found a wifi signal so that's what I'm using to connect at the moment. I'll post a longer enrty tomorrow.

I love you both so much! Call me sometime when you're not busy.



When Chihuahuas Attack!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


I meant to start a blog about living down here a while back, but never got around to it. We all know why I ended up here – I’m not going in to details about it. Life down here is okay. I miss both of you very much. There is no way that this is permanent. My job is not the “opportunity of a lifetime,” as Earl put it. I don’t want to say that I’m trapped down here, but career changes take time. I’m sorry that I moved down here. I’m sorry that I’m so far away from you. I miss you both more than you could ever know. It won’t always be like this. Things will get better. That’s the way life is. Things are good, then they get worse, then they turn back to good again. Then there are those great moments that we wish could last forever. Like the times we spent up in Mackinaw. I have pics of us in mackinaw that I put on my phone that I look at all the time. Those are some of my happiest memories. It’s been two years since I’ve been up there. I’m going up there next time you go, no matter what. It’s been too long.

In a perfect world, I could move back to Marion and make a ton of money at a job I love. But in a perfect world, I wouldn’t have ended up down here in the first place. The worst part about this is that I miss you both so much. In retrospect, it would have been a good idea to hang on to our apartment for the rest of the lease, which would’ve expired this month. We could’ve spared the expense of the moving truck and the storage unit and used that money to pay the rent for the last few months of the lease. Then, when everything happened we could’ve moved back as soon as I found some type of job in the Grant County area. I guess it doesn’t matter now. What matters now is what to do. What’s the plan? I’m working on that one.

I make enough money to pay my major bills and nothing more. It’s less stressful when you have enough money to eat and pay rent, but it would be nice to have extra money to buy nice things. The problem is that the economy is poor at the moment. The unemployment rate is extremely high, many companies are laying off, and more college grads are having to settle for low end service jobs. Part of me feels like I should feel lucky to have a job. I have debts that I’m not accounting for when I say that I make enough to cover my expenses. Something will have to change soon. It’s just not working.

In an effort to maintain better contact with you, I’m trying to find some cheap webcams to use for video conferencing. At least we can see each other every day. Those are easy to hook up and use.

I’m also working on getting you both some office supplies. Planners and stuff. I get a pretty good discount so I can get you some nice ones. And Rich, I didn’t forget about your red pens. I’ll send you both up some stuff this week.

Hello Richie and Courtney

Hi Richie and Courtney! I am riding in a car on my way to Nashville to the Office Product Expo. I thought it was going to be in Memphis, but found out this morning that it’s Nashville. I figured I had a couple hours to start a new blog that’ll be just for you to read. Time has been flying lately. Weeks go by so fast. What’s new with you? I told you about the desk I built. I’ll post some pictures of it. Other than that, up until this week I have been working too much. Not anymore. I’m only working 8 hrs a day. This gives me more time to myself.